1-833-GLSPLAW (1-833-457-7529)

Brunswick and Savannah Regional Offices Connect with Veterans.

Brunswick and Savannah Regional Offices Connect with Veterans. Congressman Buddy Carter hosted a Veterans Forum  Monday at the Armstrong Center Ballroom, Georgia Southern University in Savannah. The purpose of the forum was to bring together providers of services to area veterans and to make veterans aware of services of which they may not have previously […]

Savannah Staff Attorney Alison Slagowitz on Fair Housing Act Developments on LGBTQ Rights

Savannah Staff Attorney Alison Slagowitz writes about Fair Housing Act Developments Supporting LBGTQ Rights This article was originally published in the Federal Bar Association’s “OUTside Influence” Spring 2019 Newsletter. To see the original piece and citations, click here. Seven days after the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil […]
