Georgia Legal Services provides domestic violence survivors with legal representation to protect their safety and financial independence for themselves and their children. We assist clients in securing orders of protection, custody, child support, healthcare, SNAP, Medicaid, Unemployment, housing protections, and other civil legal rights. Where available, we recruit private attorneys to help us serve clients. While GLSP generally does not provide divorce representation, we are able to do so in limited circumstances for survivors of family violence, often with counsel and advice.
GLSP reaches into our communities to serve clients who speak Spanish, are otherwise Limited English Proficient, or deaf and hard of hearing. We develop, translate, and distribute educational materials and provide community education on important topics to survivors. We have an elder abuse project to help elder Georgians threatened by family violence and a teen dating project that goes into schools and colleges with inspirational and educational presentations.
We collaborate with our partners, including law enforcement, domestic violence agencies, shelters, and sexual assault agencies, to coordinate a community response to end domestic violence.
If you need immediate assistance from a certified domestic violence shelter, you can contact the 24 hour DV Hotline in Georgia at 1-800-334-2836 (1-800-33-HAVEN).
104 Marietta Street, Oficina 250
Atlanta, GA 30303
404-206-5175 ó 1-800-498-9469
Georgia Legal Services Program (GLSP, por sus siglas en inglés) es una sociedad anónima sin fines de lucro de la categoría 501(c)(3) que se financia, en parte, por la entidad Legal Services Corporation (LSC, por sus siglas en inglés). Por una condición de la financiación de LSC, se le restringe a GLSP llevar a cabo ciertas actividades en su trabajo legal incluso si el trabajo es apoyado por otras fuentes financiadoras. No se le permite a GLSP gastar fondos en relacionados con actividades prohibidas de acuerdo con el código 42 U.S.C. § 2996 et seq. de la ley Legal Services Corporation Act o de la ley Public Law 104-134. El párrafo §504(d) de la ley Public Law 104-134 exige que se le notifique a todos los financiadores de los programas subvencionados por LSC de estas restricciones.