GLSP’s mission of improving access to justice includes not only making high quality legal services available, but also making it easier for individuals and families to access those legal services. Medical-Legal Partnerships, also known as MLPs, are one important strategy to make it easier and more convenient for people to access our services.
Through our MLPs, members of GLSP’s legal staff are available onsite at medical facilities where individuals already turn for trusted medical care. If a member of the patient’s care team recognizes a potential legal issue that could be impacting the patient’s health, they can refer the patient to GLSP – right there, on the spot, in the same trusted, convenient location in which they are already receiving medical care. GLSP attorneys then confirm the patient’s eligibility and, if they qualify for GLSP’s services, provide the same representation that other GLSP clients receive.
GLSP is currently part of two MLPs. Our partnership in Macon, with Atrium Navicent Health, has been in place for more than 6 years. In Waycross, our partnership with McKinney Medical Center recently celebrated its first anniversary.
104 Marietta Street, Oficina 250
Atlanta, GA 30303
404-206-5175 ó 1-800-498-9469
Georgia Legal Services Program (GLSP, por sus siglas en inglés) es una sociedad anónima sin fines de lucro de la categoría 501(c)(3) que se financia, en parte, por la entidad Legal Services Corporation (LSC, por sus siglas en inglés). Por una condición de la financiación de LSC, se le restringe a GLSP llevar a cabo ciertas actividades en su trabajo legal incluso si el trabajo es apoyado por otras fuentes financiadoras. No se le permite a GLSP gastar fondos en relacionados con actividades prohibidas de acuerdo con el código 42 U.S.C. § 2996 et seq. de la ley Legal Services Corporation Act o de la ley Public Law 104-134. El párrafo §504(d) de la ley Public Law 104-134 exige que se le notifique a todos los financiadores de los programas subvencionados por LSC de estas restricciones.